Teosinte Alkaline Corn Flour. (Zea mays parvaglumis or Mexicana). Teosinte is the flour the Mayans used. About 9,000 years ago, humans began to interact with wild teosinte in the Balsas River Valley of southern-central Mexico. Teosinte is considered the mother of corn and therefore holds a very important place in indigenous culture and beliefs. For many indigenous societies of the Americas, corn is considered the mother of all people and is the most important cultivated crop. The name teosinte is derived from the Nahuatl word teosinte which means sacred corn.
Ingredients: 100 % Teosinte Native Seeds
Packing: 2 lbs bag
Wholesale MOQ: 50 lbs sack / Save 10% extra
Origin: Mexico.
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Teosinte Alkaline Corn Flour. (Zea mays parvaglumis or Mexicana). Teosinte is the flour the Mayans used. About 9,000 years ago, humans began to interact with wild teosinte in the Balsas River Valley of southern-central Mexico. Over several thousand years of seed stewardship, our ancient ancestors developed domesticated corn and the thousands of different varieties that exist today.
Teosinte is an extremely important crop, as it is believed that the subspecies parviglumis is the wild progenitor of corn. About 9,000 years ago, teosinte grew wild, as a grass-like plant, with grain in a tough shell that was dispersed only when ripe. Teosinte flour (Z. Mays).
This is to be considered a rare delicacy. The nutritional guide can seem constricted at times. Well, broaden your options with an old familiar in its original state, starch-free alkaline corn flour substitute! I know what you thinking- Corn is not on the list! Lol. Teosinte is the flour the Mayans used. There are many items that are not on the list because of accessibility. Well, in our continued commitment to offer authentic alkaline-approved items, we have now made Teosinte flour accessible. Go ahead and make Tamales, Tortillas, Gorditas and so much more! Get your Teosinte flour now! Available for a limited time only.
Teosinte is considered the mother of corn and therefore holds a very important place in indigenous culture and beliefs. For many indigenous societies of the Americas, corn is considered the mother of all people and is the most important cultivated crop. The name teosinte is derived from the Nahuatl word tosintli which means sacred corn.
Many indigenous peoples visiting the Native Seeds/SEARCH seed bank facility have honored the teosinte. One memorable moment came from Martina, a young Zapotec teacher from Oaxaca. She began to cry when holding the precious teosinte seeds. She spoke of how her family and culture have stories about sacred teosinte, but she had never been able to see it. To hold it was something very precious to her.
Teosinte is not consumed widely. In Mexico, the stalk is chewed for its sweet juices, reminiscent of sugar. Archaeological evidence suggests the sweet juice from the stalks of teosinte was consumed prior to the discovery of the grain. The hard outer casing of the teosinte makes the dry grain inedible. It was a genetic mutation that caused this hard outer coating to disappear. Ancient plant breeders took advantage of this trait by saving and planting these kernels, essentially making corn what it is today.